Hier finden Sie Erfahrungsberichte zu den Sitzungen - natürlich immer mit dem Einverständnis meiner Klienten.


Here you find Feedback to the sessions -  naturally always in agreement with my clients.

 Kelly Jackson - Past Life Regression

 I cannot recommend Sonja highly enough, she made me very welcome and relaxed, and despite my concerns that my brain was too busy for it to work on me I was blown away by what I saw. I did have a few nights of vivid dreams for the few days following my session, but this was expected. Now I have processed what I learned I am feeling more focused and I am a lot more understanding of who I am. It was an enlightening experience and one I thoroughly recommend. Thank you Sonja

Vladimira Cole - Past Life Regression

Thank you very much for beautiful 🌇 morning..Very recommended.Wish you all the best x

What the beautiful morning I spend with Sonja.First impression was what the welcome place and person Sonja is.I didn't think what to expect,but I was really impressed with all did make lots of sense and when I finish I was feel really good about myself,lots of emotions did coming and I m now more understand myself..Again get thanks for what you doing Sonja..Help me lots x

Rebecca Deeley - Past Life Regression

I met Sonja properly about three months ago and was instantly at ease in her calm warming presence. I'd always been interested in regression but had never known anyone who knew about it. I was inquisitive and had many questions for her and a few slight hang ups but again within spending five minutes with her was settled into it and before I knew it was asleep/ awake on her soft sofa listening to her taking me through an experience I'd never had before but would most certainly have again. Due to my present life traumas I began regressing into my younger self back to poignant impressionable points in my life which she was able to investigate and resolve with me, while also giving me a new process to deal with these memories and thoughts if they arose again . I have since used them consciously and subconsciously and feel as though a lot of my issues have been lightened if not yet resolved with the process she guided me through. Once we were passed the present day issues we were able to refer back to a previous life I may have had and I can honestly say the experience is the most vivid one I've ever had without being fully awake and seeing it with my own two eyes- the thoughts, smells, sounds and feelings were as though it were happening right now. I definitely feel that through this experience Sonja has shared with me I am much more open to regression and no longer have hangups about not being in full control of my body or spiritual body. Anyone toying with the idea of taking a session should definitely go ahead and book Sonja - she's a very warm, special, gifted lady who has lots to offer! Thank you Sonja xx


Silke - Rückführung frühere Leben
Besser spät als nie😉hey Sonja❤hier endlich das Feedback....achja und der Artikel gestern über Narzissmus...das war genau meine Geschichte....wie krass
Meine allererste Rückführung und ich war so aufgeregt. Aber bei Sonja habe ich mich gleich wohlgefühlt mit ihrer herzlichen offenen Art. Es ist schon Wahnsinn, welche Details man auf dieser "Reise" erfährt und dass alles aus einem bestimmten Grund geschieht. Es hat mir sehr geholfen. Danke, Sonja❤das war nicht meine letzte Rückführung